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Welcome to Come to Find Out... a multimedia blog with a scrapbook, collage style.  This site hosts the stories and confessions of struggles with co-occurring mental health diagnoses, traumatic brain injury, childhood trauma, and a learning disability, synthesizing what we learned on our journey from multiple failures, symptomatic behavior, experience with multiple treatment modalities, and the need for some different ways to slog through life's challenges. It is somewhere between a case study in mental health, as told from the perspective of the patient, and a treatment journal. 


My brain has some features I have tried to learn to use as a creative power.  Ever since I was a kiddo, and be assured I was and am weird, my brain has made multidimensional connections. Some of the connections my brain makes are upside down, reversed, and messy. These collaged, connections and confessions might come out beautiful, some bizarre, and some shameful. The goal is to put it on the page in a way that might be cathartic through the mind of the unreliable narrator whose brain is, come to find out, damaged. 

It's like anonymous exposure therapy for every one of us struggling with... whatever. I'll start so you feel less alone. If something resonates with you, or you know something that has helped you get better, please share it for everyone's benefit. 

Read, share what you like, comment (with grace, please), and submit your own story of your experiences with mental health, caregiving, recovery, and survival. 

Come to find out
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